Henrik Jøker Bjerre

Aalborg University

Henrik Jøker Bjerre, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Applied Philosophy, Aalborg University, Denmark. Member of the Center for Wild Analysis. Co-editor of Analysing the Cultural Unconscious: The Science of The Signifier (2020), co-author of Særklasse (2014), and author of Kantian Deeds (2010).

Speaking at the conference

Friday, 23 September, 4pm, Kosovel Hall

Master, Don’t You See That I Am Learning?

The absence of the master has become an increasing problem in academic research and education: Researchers are losing their ability to produce new master signifiers, while students are becoming unable to grasp the old. Instead, in the reign of university discourse, we get a pseudocommodification that encourages very different competences, first of all stupidity.

More about Henrik Jøker Bjerre